L.I.F.T Digital Music - Learn how to write, recite, perform, produce, market, promote and distribute music. This course ends with a cd of your finished product!
L.I.F.T Vocals -Enroll in a full or private classes for vocal lessons, breathing techniques & various exercises to get your voice in the correct range, with an undeniable pitch and the ability to project to make sure you're heard!
L.I.F.T Modeling/Acting - Learn how to act or pose for the camera! Also, various techniques for both acting and modeling that will help you build confidence! This class ends with a professional photoshoot and 10 edited photos!
L.I.F.T Production - Learn how to create a beat from scratch. This class takes you through the channels of creating music from your head or sampling other sounds. Either way, you will learn how to take it from your head onto your finished CD!
L.I.F.T Studio Engineering- Learn your way around the recording studio and the industry standard software! This course will enable you to record and mix down a live session and "bounce" it onto a CD to show your engineering skills.
L.I.F.T Broadcasting - Learn the various techniques for voice overs, PSA Announcements, and proper diction for radio. Make them "see you" through the "air waves". This course ends with 30 second spot.
L.I.F.T Film/Video - Learn the ins & outs of producing a music video, documentary or television commercial. This course ends with a 30 second HD audio/video commercial.